What Is Beach Soccer? 7 Things You Should Know

Soccer on the beach

As a certain sport grows in popularity, you will usually see other variations of the sport being created constantly. This is exactly the case when it comes to soccer and beach soccer. As the name implies, beach soccer is similar to the regular soccer game but it’s played on the beach. How could I guess … Read more

What Is A Transfer Fee In Soccer?

Like many other sports, soccer allows the clubs to exchange players between each other. These exchanges are known as transfers in the soccer world, and most of the transfers require the buying club to pay a transfer fee. So in simple words, a transfer fee in soccer is the money that is paid by the … Read more

What Is A Free Agent In Soccer?

Soccer goalkeeper

Soccer players are not bound to a single club throughout their whole career. Based on my own experience of following the soccer news for more than a decade, I can easily assume that a lot of the world class players play for at least 2 teams throughout their journey. The transfer system in soccer ensures … Read more

7 Types Of Soccer Leagues And Competitions

World cup trophy

Soccer as a game is extremely simple to understand. However, the soccer leagues and competitions can sometimes be not so easy to comprehend. There are many different types of professional soccer leagues and competitions everywhere, and these large numbers of different competitions can sometimes confuse people who are new to soccer. If you’re asking, Why … Read more

Is Soccer Overrated And Boring?

Soccer fans celebrating

Even though soccer is arguably the biggest sport in the world when it comes to the number of fans, a lot of people claim that soccer is extremely overrated and boring. But is that really the case? The answer to this question is definitely subjective. It all depends on what you prefer and what your … Read more

The 6 Main Roles Of Soccer Coaches (Managers)

Soccer coach with their players

Throughout my early years of watching soccer, I always wondered what the role of a soccer coach was. I usually watched the coaches stand outside the field next to the sideline shouting and giving instructions to their players. However, I thought that the coaches didn’t have much impact on their team. I was wrong. The … Read more

Why Are Soccer Players So Dramatic? (The Core Problem)

injured soccer player

Dramatic actions by soccer players have caught the attention of many people around the world. I have met a lot of people who know nothing about soccer except the fact that soccer players usually act dramatically on the field. Throughout my entire journey with soccer, I have never felt more frustrated than when I watch … Read more

Do Soccer Players Get Paid During Off Season?

Soccer players

A soccer league is usually somewhere between 8 to 9 months long, which means that some soccer players will have no games to play during most of the remaining 3~4 months of a soccer year. Do these players still get paid during these off season months? It all depends on their contracts, But most of … Read more

How Many Players On A Youth Soccer Team?

youth soccer team

It’s widely known among the soccer fans that each team starts with 11 players during a soccer game. But that’s for the soccer teams with players aged 16 and above. What about the other age ranges? Specifically, what about the youth soccer teams? How many players are there on these teams? This is what this … Read more