How does Soccer Help the Community Around it?

How does Soccer Help the Community

Soccer is one of those sports that offers a lot of benefits on the personal level. For example, soccer can be a great workout, soccer can be extremely fun, and much more. But what about the community level? How does soccer help the community as a whole? Here are some ways in which soccer can … Read more

How do Soccer Referees Communicate with Players?

How do Soccer Referees Communicate with Players

A question that has been haunting many soccer players around the world is how do referees communicate with the players on the field? The referee’s job after all is to control the whole game by communicating with the players of each team on the field, so how do they do that? Here’s your quick answer. … Read more

What are International Breaks in Soccer

What are International Breaks in Soccer?

If you follow soccer leagues closely, then you might have heard about the term “International Breaks” at some point throughout the soccer league that you enjoy watching on a regular basis. If you have heard about the term before, but you have absolutely no idea about what it means, then you’ve come to the right … Read more

How Long is a Soccer League Season?

How Long is a Soccer Season?

Soccer leagues are the heart of the game. They are one of the major entertainment sources for all soccer fans all around the world, but how much does this entertainment source last every year? In other words, how long is a soccer season? There are many factors that play a role in how long a … Read more

What Season is Soccer Played in?

What Season is Soccer Played in

If you’re here to learn about the seasons that the professional soccer games take place in, or you’re here just to know in what seasons of the year you will be able to play and enjoy soccer with your friends, then here’re your answers. Most of the major soccer leagues around the world start in … Read more

How many Players in Total are there in a Soccer Club?

How many Players in Total are there in a Soccer Club?

Soccer clubs are the heart of the professional soccer industry. Each of these clubs participates in league competitions in order to secure titles and entertain their fans.  With that said, learning about soccer clubs is a great idea if you’re a soccer fan or if you are chasing a professional soccer career. This article will … Read more

Everything You Need To Know About Dribbling In Soccer

What is Dribbling in Soccer?

When it comes to soccer, there are hundreds of methods that soccer players use in order to avoid the opponent’s players and surpass them in order to score a goal. One of the most common ways to do it is by dribbling through the defense of your opponent’s team. But, what exactly is dribbling in … Read more

4 Reasons why Soccer Fields are so Big

Reasons why Soccer Fields are so Big

Professional soccer fields are of a huge size. While they usually vary in size, all of them are still huge. A soccer field usually has a width between 70 – 80 yards and a length between 110 – 120 yards. With that said, the area covered by the professional soccer field is huge, and there … Read more